YouTube Homepage

The Youtube homepage has been redesigned and is now simplified for use of both visitors and members. If you are just visiting the site to browse videos to watch, you will find the new layout helpful.

The videos are already classified according to the categories or channels. And you can simply choose categories from music, entertainment, sports, comedy, animation, news, gaming, education, etc. Videos are generally sorted according to their popularity. Aside from the main video feed, there is also a smaller column on the right which displays the recommended clips.

Improved Logged in Experience:

Much of the changes in the homepage are experienced by the members. Watching and uploading videos can now be personalized in your account’s control and subscription panels. The old functionalities of uploading videos and creating channels are still there. And there are also links to the archive of videos you have watched, liked, and those set to be viewed later. This is also the area where notifications such as comments on your videos or channel can be seen. A new addition to this panel in the Youtube homepage is the Google Plus link. Google is simply promoting the use of its social networking site and your profile is usually connected or linked with it.

Using the Subscriptions Panel:

After successfully logging in, the Youtube homepage will generally present your subscription feed. These are the videos you have collected or have subscribed into. Thus, they replace the suggested or random Youtube videos initially displayed for visitors who are not logged in. You can subscribe to as many channels or users you like. But to organize and identify your most favorite, you can actually pin up to 10 channels on the Subscription panel. This provides a quick link to the videos you want to regularly enjoy. If you want to view and manage all those subscriptions, you can simply click the “see all” link.

Another improvement on the new Youtube homepage is the inclusion of the Social link on the subscription panel. If you are still not using Google Plus, that link will suggest you to upgrade your account and eventually join Google Plus. There are also links that will connect your Youtube account to your Twitter, Facebook, and Orkut profiles. If your Youtube account is linked to your Google Plus account, the Social link located on the subscription panel will allow you to watch all the videos that your friends are viewing or sharing.

From Youtube Videos:

After the subscription panel, the new Youtube layout contains a link named as “From Youtube”. These are generally the featured videos that Youtube has. These videos include the trending, popular, and the music clips. These are all shares and upload of users, and simply those that have made it on the top.

Signing up for a Youtube account:

Included in the improvement in the homepage is the easiness in signing up and logging into your Youtube’s account. Since Google now owns Youtube, you can choose to sign up either from Youtube itself or for a Gmail account. When signed up with your Google account, you can have instant access to all Google services including Youtube.

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